Employment Opportunities

Currently Advertised Positions

The Joint Personnel Recovery Agency is committed to hiring exceptional talent for several career opportunities to help support our mission. If interested in a civilian career with JPRA, visit USAJobs.gov and search for "Joint Personnel Recovery Agency", or click on the links below to view current vacancies:


Enabling Our Personnel


JPRA personnel have a range of benefits, entitlements, and opportunities available to them. JPRA offers training and developmental opportunities to assist each member with reaching their full potential and attaining their personal and professional career goals.

To ensure civilian and military personnel can operate successfully in a rapidly changing environment, they have the opportunity to enroll in courses that align with institutional capabilities. These capabilities range across varying occupations, functions, and organizational levels. There are several courses and resources available.

Civilian members have the opportunity to attend Civilian Developmental Education and professional development programs.

Likewise, military members have the opportunity to enhance their careers through professional military education.

Personnel who work at JPRA are afforded the opportunity to enhance their career broadening experience, as well as work in a diverse and multi-cultural environment.

The number one asset of JPRA is its employees.

JPRA has different programs to support a healthy Work-Life balance.

Some of these benefits include:
  • Employee Assistance Program (EAP)
  • Job Opportunities – Joint Duty Assignments (JDA)
  • Life Insurance
  • Paid Maternity/Paternity Leave
  • Physical Fitness Program
  • Telework / Alternative Work Schedule (AWS)
  • Thrift Savings Plan (TSP)
  • Training Opportunites
  • Tuition Assistance (TA)

Civilian Hiring

JPRA is looking for the best and the brightest applicants to round out our team of skilled professionals.

Once you apply for a job at JPRA, here is what you can expect:

The time it takes to be invited to an interview is approximately 4-5 weeks after your status in USAJOBS changes to “referred”.

If you are selected for the position, expect to receive a Tentative Job Offer (TJO) within approximately 4 weeks.

Once your TJO is finalized, you will receive a Firm Job Offer (FJO).

The FJO will have your grade, step, duty location, and start date


Interviews will be either in person or over the phone.

Here is how you can prepare: Think about the STAR method when answering your questions – Situation: Set the scene and provide the necessary details. Task: Discuss your role in that situation. Action: List the steps you took to address the situation. Result: Provide the results your actions achieved.

Phone interview: If possible, try to be in a quiet place with no distractions. Have a copy of your resume and job description on hand.

In-person interview:  Arrive 10-15 minutes early in professional attire. Each interview session lasts roughly 45 minutes and have a total of 7-10 questions.
In both interview formats, take notes and come prepared with questions, if any.

Military Recruiters and Personnel Recovery Career Paths

The recruitment process for each military branch varies. For further information, contact js.belvoir.jpra.mbx.css@mail.mil.
Here are the military career specialties:


Air Force: 1T0, 3F0, 1N0, 1A8
Army: 25B, 35F, 12Y, 11B
Navy: 805A
Marine Corps: 0372, 0321

Air Force: 16R4, 11H4Y, 19Z4C
Army: 73B
Navy: 1310
Marine Corps: N/A