Library and Archives
The JPRA Library and Archives functions as the DoD personnel recovery library and repository for historical personnel recovery documents and resources in order to provide provide accurate, thorough, and objective accounts of circumstances surrounding the isolation of DoD personnel. Access to materials is provided in support of planning, analysis, research, and JPRA SERE school requirements. JPRA provides the interagency and partner nations appropriate access to personnel recovery information in support of personnel recovery planning, training, research, and rehearsals.
Subject matter includes: Prisoners of war; hostages and detainees; evasion and escape; search and rescue; survival techniques and experiences; geography and cartography; natural science; ethnology and country studies; terrorism; military and Naval science; natural and emergency medicine.
Assets in the library may be available to the general public via a Freedom of Information Act Request.
Records in the archives (such as Prisoner of War debrief material), contain privileged information, obtained under a promise of confidentiality. FOIA requests for these records may be denied if the requestor is not the debriefed individual or next of kin.