For military and government use, please visit the Evasion Aids portal here (CAC enabled)
Evasion Charts (EVCs)
EVCs are primarily a navigation aid intended to assist personnel isolated in uncertain or hostile environments. In addition to the map, EVCs contain survival and evasion marginalia. Made of Tyvek®, EVCs are strong, durable, and waterproof.
For military and government use, see EVC ordering information here (CAC enabled)
Blood Chits
A small sheet of Tyvek® material with an American flag and a statement in several languages indicating that the US will reward anyone assisting the bearer to safety. It is an unclassified, but controlled item because it represents a written promise or obligation of the US Government.
For military and government use, see Blood Chit ordering information here (CAC enabled)
Pointee-talkees are similar to the language guides that were used during World War II. They contain English phrases on the left, the same phrases written in the foreign language in the center, and the foreign phrase written phonetically on the right side of the page. The evader selects the desired English phrase and points to the translation of the phrase beside it. The evader may augment the pointee-talkee by making drawings and signs to help in communication.
For military and government use, see Pointee-Talkee information here (CAC enabled)
Isolated Personnel Guidance (IPG)
IPGs and IPG Summaries are resources for DoD personnel who are preparing for or currently operating in a specific country or region. These products are specifically designed to support DoD personnel who perform operational PR preparation and planning. These products are only available on classified networks.
Isolated Personnel Case-Based Studies
Isolated Personnel Case Based Studies describe significant isolating events and amplify lessons learned for the DoD enterprise. These products are only available on classified networks and contain privileged information, obtained under a promise of confidentiality. Requests for access to these documents may be withheld if requestor is not a SERE trainer, debriefed individual, or next of kin.
Oral History Interview (OHI)
Oral History Interviews are video-recorded productions used to collect, analyze, and disseminate PR and/or SERE experiences from returned isolated individuals to enhance the efficacy of the DoD PR System and support PR education and training programs. These products are only available on classified networks and contain privileged information, obtained under a promise of confidentiality. Requests for access to these documents may be withheld if requestor is not a SERE trainer, debriefed individual, or next of kin.
Special Analysis Reports
Special Analysis Reports are focused analysis products developed to satisfy specific emerging DoD PR enterprise requirements and enhance the efficacy of the DoD PR System for operational support and SERE education & training programs. These products are only available on classified networks and contain privileged information, obtained under a promise of confidentiality. Requests for access to these documents may be withheld if requestor is not a SERE trainer, debriefed individual, or next of kin.
SERE Debriefing Analysis Products (SDAP)
SERE Debriefing Analysis Products are developed from SERE debriefing transcripts, reports, and other materials received from reintegration and/or post isolation support activity (PISA) events. The SDAP contain separate Executive, Event, Individual/Group, and SERE Lessons Learned Summaries designed to determine trends, validate existing training, doctrine, and SERE TTP’s while directly supporting the DoD PR Systems’ requirement for continuous adaptation. These products are only available on classified networks and contain privileged information, obtained under a promise of confidentiality. Requests for access to these documents may be withheld if requestor is not a SERE trainer, debriefed individual, or next of kin.
SERE Training Instructor Reference Products (STIRP)
SERE Training Instructor Reference Products are developed to support identified knowledge and capability gaps in SERE reference material to enhance the adaptation of SERE education and training programs to emerging threats to the PR Enterprise. STIRPs promote and support the development of new SERE TTPs for SERE education and training programs across DoD. These products are only available on classified networks and contain privileged information, obtained under a promise of confidentiality. Requests for access to these documents may be withheld if requestor is not a SERE trainer, debriefed individual, or next of kin.